The following posts are from 2020

Monday, October 19, 2020

 10/23/20 Football Halftime and 10/24/20 Kearney/Columbus Covid Contest

Thank you to everyone for supporting the Band this year.  We have one more football halftime this Friday, 10/23/2020.  Plase sign up on the Signup-Genius so we know we have enough help on hand.  Remember to wear blue.

The football game will be our normal schedule.  We unload instruments by the UNK library at 5:30.  Then at 6:00 we move the trailer to the North end of UNK Foster Field and unload the Front Ensemble.  At 5:00 minutes left in the 2nd Quarter, meet at the trailer to prepare for moving everything on the field for the halftime show.  After halftime, we reload the trailer.  After the game, please make sure all percussion and tuba stands are returned to the trailer.  The trailer will be by the library for reloading instruments after the game.  After we have everything loaded, we will move to KHS to unload the trailer back to the Band room for Saturday’s competition.

On Saturday, 10/24/2020, we need to meet by the Band room by 3:00 pm to help move our pit equipment to the track.  See our volunteer crew schedule/plan at:   http://bit.ly/kccc2020crew

We move the equipment to the South end of the football field, setup in ‘reverse-UNK’ order, run the show, and then move all equipment back to the Band room after our Band’s performance.

Guest Band info:   http://bit.ly/kccc2020

KHS Volunteer info:   http://bit.ly/kccc2020crew

Posted by Ed.Uden at 10:34 PM No comments: 

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Wednesday, September 30, 2020

10/02/20 Football Halftime and 10/03/20 Aurora Competition

Thank you to everyone for a job well done in Columbus last weekend.  This weekend we have a football game on Friday night and the Aurora Invitational on Saturday morning.  See the Band website Itineraries page.  Please sign up on the Signup-Genius so we know we have enough help on hand at both the football game and the Aurora competition.  Remember to wear blue.

The football game will be our normal schedule.  We unload instruments by the UNK library at 5:30.  Then at 6:00 we move the trailer to the North end of UNK Foster Field and unload the Front Ensemble.  At 5:00 minutes left in the 2nd Quarter, meet at the trailer to prepare for moving everything on the field for the halftime show.  After halftime, we reload the trailer.  After the game, please make sure all percussion and tuba stands are returned to the trailer.  The trailer will be by the library for reloading instruments after the game.

Once we have the trailer reloaded after the game, we leave it loaded overnight for Saturday morning.

On Saturday morning, with everything already loaded, please meet in Aurora at 9:15 when the Band arrives.  Look for the blue trailer – this is a new competition location so we will discover where we will be once we arrive.  The band warms up at 10:15 and performs at 10:45.  After 12:30 the band will do a sack lunch and then return to Kearney and unload.  

Aurora High School – 300 West L St, Aurora, NE 68818

Call/text Ed at 308-440-0694 if you have questions or need directions.

Remember to wear BLUE.  

Posted by Ed.Uden at 8:50 AM No comments: 

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Sunday, September 20, 2020

09/26/20 Columbus Field Competition

We hit the road starting this Saturday.  See the Band website Itineraries page.  Please sign up on the Signup-Genius so we know we have enough help on hand in Columbus.

We plan to load the trailers about 9:30 am on Saturday.  There is no game on Friday so we will not have the trailer loaded from the game.  Just a few of us will get it loaded.  If you cannot help with loading on Saturday morning, that will be ok.  We need the help in Columbus.  The Band will load at 10:30 and leave KHS by 11:00 am on Saturday.  The trailers will follow the buses.

At 1:00 pm we arrive in Columbus and after the sack lunch break (remember to bring your sack lunch), the Band will arrive at Pawnee Park (3420 Pawnee Plaza, Columbus, NE 68601) for competition (Hwy81 & 8th St).  We unload the trailer and prepare the pit for competition.  We will need to assist the students in moving the pit equipment to their warm-up area and then to the competition field.  Look for our blue trailer parked Southeast of the field.  Hopefully this part will be the same this year as in previous years, however, look for our blue trailer – we could be located anywhere around that area.

Kearney’s performance time is 3:00 pm.  Note that we normally enter the field from the South side of the stadium, so we will be in modified field order (opposite of our UNK order).  Once our performance is complete, we exit the field on the North side of the stadium and move our equipment back to the trailer and load the trailer.

We will leave for Kearney by 4:30 pm and arrive in Kearney around 6:30 pm.  We unload the trailer back in to the Band room when we get to the High School.

It will be a big day and we will do our best to represent Kearney well.

Please remember to wear BLUE.  With all of us in blue, we help add to the uniform look of the band.

Thank you for helping on the Pit Crew Team.  You are appreciated!

Contact Ed Uden 308-440-0694 if you have any questions.

Posted by Ed.Uden at 9:39 PM No comments: 

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Monday, August 31, 2020

 09/04/20 Football Halftime

Thank you to everyone who helped with last week’s game.  We have a great team again this year.  We are glad you’re part of the Pit Crew team.  This Friday’s Football Game Halftime will run very similar to last week’s.  We will try keep everyone on the same tasks as last week if possible.  Please be sure to sign up on the Pit Crew Sign-up Genius and don’t forget to wear BLUE.

We start out by unloading instruments at the trailer on the South side of the Library at UNK (East of Fine Arts) at 5:30 pm.  Then we move the trailer to the North end of Foster Field and unload the Front Ensemble equipment.  This happens before the pre-game.  Then you can watch some of the first half.  At 5:00 minutes before halftime, meet at the trailer at the North end of the field to prepare for moving to the filed at 2:00 minutes and doing halftime.  After halftime we reload the equipment in to the trailer.  After the game please make sure all tuba stands, all percussion stands, and the rope come back to the trailer.  The tuba stands are the main thing we need to get back to the trailer by the time the Band gets there.  We will bring the two-wheeled cart to help us transport them this week.

Check back here for any changes or updated information.

Contact Ed Uden 308-440-0694 with questions.  Thank you for helping!

Click here to sign Up for this week’s Pit Crew.

Posted by Ed.Uden at 8:36 PM No comments: 

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Monday, August 24, 2020

08/28/20 Football Halftime

Welcome to the 2020 Marching season.  

We need your help on the Pit Crew for this Friday’s Football Game Halftime.

We unload instruments at the trailer on the South side of the Library at UNK (East of Fine Arts) at 5:30 pm.

Then we move the trailer to the North end of Foster Field and unload the Front Ensemble equipment.  This happens before the pre-game.  Then you can watch some of the first half.  At 5:00 minutes before halftime, meet at the trailer at the North end of the field to prepare for halftime.  After halftime we reload the percussion equipment in to the trailer.  After the game please make sure all tuba stands, all percussion stands, and the rope come back to the trailer.

Check back here for any changes or updated information.

Contact Ed Uden 308-440-0694 with questions.  Thank you for helping!

Click here to sign Up for this week’s Pit Crew.

NOTE:  This year may bring schedule changes at a moment’s notice.  Please check this blog for Pit Crew changes and check the Sign-Up Genius for schedule changes.  We appreciate your help and your flexibility.  We will do our best to give our students the best possible experience this year.

Now for the details if you’re interested.

The Band marches halftime at Friday night’s game vs GISH.  We need your help right before the game (during pregame) and possibly as the game starts at the North end of Foster Field, by the blue Band trailer.  We will help get equipment unloaded so the Pit can warm up and get everything set up.  We should be unloaded by the start of the game so you can then watch the first quarter and most of the second quarter.  Then, at 5 minutes remaining in the 2nd Quarter, we need everyone back at the trailer and we will get ready to go on the field.   At 2 minutes before Halftime, we move on to the NW side of the field to preset and then move to the field at the start of halftime.  After the Band has performed we move everything back off the field and load it all back in to the trailers.  This week will be our first run this year, so there may be some adjustments made as we go – thank you in advance for your patience as we get everything fine tuned.  These first weeks are vital because we are establishing what we each need to be doing for Halftime so that when the competitions start, we know the routine and can execute smoothly.  Come join the team, we will have a fun time.

We could also use a few people to help at 5:30 pm at UNK Fine Arts to get the percussion battery and sousaphones out.  Look for the blue Band trailer – we will be parked on the South side of the C.T. Ryan Library (East of the Fine Arts building).  Then again AFTER the game please help pick up the percussion stands and the tuba stands and bring them to the trailer at the same spot East of UNK Fine Arts where we load the battery and sousaphones back in to the trailer and then unload back at the High School Band room.  Students do most of this work, but it helps to have some adults around to assist in loading & unloading the trailer at UNK as the students are in uniform and we don’t want to risk damaging uniforms as we load and unload stuff from the trailer.

Remember to Sign Up on the Band Website at SignupGenius (see link on Band website) for your spot for each performance.  IF possible, it would be ideal to have the same 12 people for the competitions and games so that everyone has their job and know what needs to happen.  But, we understand that not everyone can be at every game and competition, so we appreciate your help and your willingness to volunteer and support the Band.  

Your help is needed and it is appreciated!  Thank you!

Remember to wear BLUE.

If you have any questions, call or text Ed Uden 308-440-0694.

Posted by Ed.Uden at 4:31 PM No comments: 

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